You can also change the background color of sprites or add a new background if there is none. When playing a GIF, frames are counted above the input box and you can easily delete frames that you don't need by entering their numbers in the skip frames option. The playback order of GIF frames can be either forward (from the first frame to the last) or backward (from the last frame to the first). By default, it's 250 milliseconds for each frame, which equals 4 frames per second. GIF's framerate is determined by how long a single frame is displayed before moving to the next frame. When you open a GIF, you can use the GIF animator options to enable or disable its playback, control the frame rate, and reverse the order of sprites in it. If only the columns number is specified, for example, 3, then the program will distribute all frames into three equal vertical columns. For example, if you enter only the rows value equal to 2 and leave the columns value empty, the program will fit all frames in 2 equal horizontal lines. You can also specify only one of the dimension parameters. For example, by specifying the number of rows equal to 2 and the number of columns equal to 5, you will get a sprite rectangle with a width of five frames and a height of two frames. By default, the frames are drawn in a horizontal animation strip as it's the most popular type but you can change the dimensions and the layout of the sprite sheet to any of the three possible types by adjusting the rows and columns options. The vertical and horizontal sprite sheets are called sprite strips but the rectangular sprite sheet is called a sprite grid. There are three types of sprite sheets – vertical, horizontal, and rectangular. It extracts all frames from the loaded GIF animation and lays them out in an image sequence called a sprite sheet. This is a browser-based GIF to sprite sheet converter.